Wednesday, October 30, 2013

P-Noy and the TV at prime time.

President Aquino's address tonight through local channels reminds me of how powerful is the primetime  hours for everyone. The Malacanang choose this airtime to explained the DAF issue which certainly connected to the  last Pulse Asia Survey about the popularity of the Congress.

For all we know, majority of the members of Congress are in Liberal Party and it is obvious that the President is trying to clean the image of the party's members in Congress.

I would like to reiterate that DAF is constitutional for all we know that the 1987 Constitution is clear on its definition. Article VI, Sec.25, paragraph 5 that the President has a power to augment any savings in that preceding fiscal year to his choice of government agency. It is only how you explained it to the people and P-Noy provide us one.