Wednesday, October 30, 2013

P-Noy and the TV at prime time.

President Aquino's address tonight through local channels reminds me of how powerful is the primetime  hours for everyone. The Malacanang choose this airtime to explained the DAF issue which certainly connected to the  last Pulse Asia Survey about the popularity of the Congress.

For all we know, majority of the members of Congress are in Liberal Party and it is obvious that the President is trying to clean the image of the party's members in Congress.

I would like to reiterate that DAF is constitutional for all we know that the 1987 Constitution is clear on its definition. Article VI, Sec.25, paragraph 5 that the President has a power to augment any savings in that preceding fiscal year to his choice of government agency. It is only how you explained it to the people and P-Noy provide us one.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rizal, Marx and the BPO Industry: Capitalism, Patriotism and Nationalism.

Though I’m not a fanatic of our national hero I considered his works as very important and relevant in the study of our national consciousness. His undying novel such as Noli Me Tangere exposed an argument that until now even the present Spanish government can no longer retrieve its reputation as an Empire of tyranny, corruption and injustice during its 300 years of colonization. Added to this is his Cientro de cien Anos[1] essay in La Solidaridad dated 1890 which obviously predict the collapsed of the mother Spain if she will not provide the necessary reform in las Islas Filipinas. Soon as true enough, Andres Bonifacio founded the rebellious Katipunan, started the National uprising and destroyed the Spanish Government in the country within a year.


Marx’s Communist Manifesto[2] assumed that so much capitalism will result to a workers rebellion followed by the collapsed of Capitalism. This is applicable in the Soviet history for their started by revolution of the communist Bolshevic rebels. For all the changes and advancement of its nation before transformation to democracy in 1991 the people of the Russian Federation still cannot separate its present political ideology.

BPO INDUSTRY: Capitalism

For all this historical studies do we learn from it? Or due to our Colonial Mentality we continue to ignore those lessons of the past and think like we don’t have our owned sense of nationalism?

I been in the BPO industry for the past three years (though this is not only my job after graduation since I teach as a tutor and lecturer of a Korean School and a review center) and I saw a continued defect and treatment of its laborer. Forcible Over Time and abnormal time of break schedule and low standard of recruitment. Forcible over time was apparently good for business industry since they can attain the quota that needed in production. High income for the company and good for the client’s[3] will be the result. But how about the situation of the work force that handle the connection customer-agent relation? In the Philippine Labor Market, laborer are already abused by 8 hours continues work with cheap labor. If you will add 30 minutes -1 hour over time will cause laborers fatigue and lost of concentration. Remember that majority of the BPO industry are in night shift the energy of the body is different from a day shift work. If the Americans will do trade to the Asian countries in the evening, do you think will they come up with better business transaction?

Abnormal time of break schedule will result to health problem of the BPO laborer for they will eat after 6 hours of shift or they will only pee on the time of their scheduled break. Low standard of recruitment lead to workers unserious job application, those applicants, after get their salaries in training will be suddenly disappear resulted to high attrition. We called those workers as call center hoppers. But the Industry doesn’t bother to search them and I don’t know the reason why.  If those BPO companies are not serious in dealing with their applicant who signed contract with them, and after a week those people will be considered as AWOL, much more that those applicant. Though it’s hard to imagine but this is how rotten the BPO system is.

BPO Industry: Patriotism

Currently an aware that due to the employers exposure to American immoral attitude, their languages, manners and even decision making are trying hard American standard in which not applicable to the Filipino social structure. We make our owned Diasporas in which we are not force to do but we are willing. This is due to hegemonic treatment of the managers to the workers. The workers are not aware of this due to lack of social consciousness and nationalism. English Only Policy, freebies to bar and expensive restaurant, they think these are good things offered by the company well in fact a serious threat to our owned future national consciousness. There is no different in what David Sturtevant[4] discussion about a landlord offered advance payment for festivities, sabong, kasa, and other irrelevant activities of the kasama that resulted to his debt to the landlord and at the end of the harvest time, he can only brought a single peso for his family.

BPO Industry: Nationalism

They say that since the BPO is a western supported industry it has an American standard of labor well in fact in it is misleading. If this is an American standard then it should have labor unions, American standard salary and American standard benefits in which we don’t have. We are victim of so much capitalism. We try to be someone so that the American will be satisfied of what they need but apparently sacrifice almost half of what will be in the future.  This industry created several individual who with so much capitalism lost his identity, his love for fellow countrymen. Marx explained:

“ It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science into its paid wage-labourers.”[5]

This is what happened to us. A historian became a call center agent, a registered nurse, a teacher, a chemist and a theologian. We don’t understand this situation because we don’t open our eyes and justify this kind of exploitation due to our own gain. We want to earn so much no matter how much the cost.

Reform should start in the highest position in the company so that the laborers and the managers will sail in one direction. There’s nothing wrong in doing changes in ones institution for the benefits of this radicalism is for all. Why we are afraid of doing things that is essential for the laborers well in fact they are the foundation and backbone of the company. Without them those capitalist will never have revenue of what they are receiving right now. I’m afraid that if the BPO industry will not reform itself as one of the labor force of the Philippine economy, it will lead to collapsed. The prevailing changes of market from West to East is now on the rise and if the Western people lost their revenue, do they think will the Asian people accept the BPO services as a paradigm shift of business venture,  well in fact the Americans and Asians has different culture? Look at how Japan improve their advancement through robotic (not to human) technology.

I don’t want to be Rizal or Marx here as a theories, I just want to the people to see what I saw, promote dignity of labor and applies the reform that needs by our beloved work, the BPO industry.

[1] There is a very good explanation of this essay in A Nation Aborted: Rizal, American Hegemony and Philippine Nationalism by Floro C. Quibuyen, p 211.
[2]Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Foreign Language Press Peking 1975, p. 36
[3] We call them Client, the primary customer of the BPO representative, the third party is the agent while the Middle man is the capitalist.
[4] Sturtevant, David. Popular Uprising in the Philippines. Ithaca
[5] Marx and Engels. same cite p.36

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: F. Sionil Jose’s Po-on

Note: Writing the review for this book is already at my agenda for the past week but since I was so busy at my MA and the office and to think that Sara Sionil is my dear officemate, I have this feeling of guilt that after reading her Lolo’s novel she may think I didn’t like it (Off course not! I like the book so much, in which probably she don’t know? ). My apology for the delayed of the review but here it goes.

“Conquest by force is not sanctioned by God. The Americans have no right to be here. We will defeat them in the end because we believe this land they usurp is our; God created it for us. The whole history of mankind has shown how faith endures while steel rusts.” -December 2, 1899

At this time when adventure in the book is so popular, form JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring to JK Rowling’s harry Potter, F. Sionil provide us more vivid adventure of a Filipino acolyte who trap in the mid of the Spanish tyranny. The story expand up to the Filipino-American war were dignity is priceless and country is your love one. The book will teach you how far will you serve for neither someone nor what are the definition of selfless love, for your country, for your family and for your change of course of history.

Istak Salvador, a one time acolyte, educated through a good friar who teach him latin and Spanish, medicine and logic, becomes a victim of Spanish oppression force to leave Poon (a town in Ilocos Sur) after his father Baac accidentally killed a friar who wants them to be expelled from their land. This is a personal revenge when Baac realized that Priest who will be the town curate is the same priests who oppress him after the latter refused to do the force labor made him forcibly in the Polo y Servicio causing the permanent dislocation of his arm. From Poon to Vigan, the Salvador family and some company experience a perilous adventure. The forest and mountains of the north killed Baac through a snake bite and a child when a tribal inhabitant attacks them. Agno river drown their mother after they cross the river. When they reach Rosales in Pangasinan, he changes his last name to Samson.

In Rosales, the revolution broke out and the American forces took an advance position up to Ilocos Sur searching for the President of the Republic. Prime Minister and personal adviser (who just describe as a cripple) was in sick and stayed of Istak closed friend. Through Istak knowledge of medicinal plant, the cripple was assign to him to be cure at least. At the time, they exchange thought and ideas about the Americans and the dodging Republic. Through this, Mabini realized the importance of Istak for the up coming event. Mabini asked Istak to bring a letter to President Aguinaldo since he knows all the trails and way in the Cordilleras. With full strength and patriotism, he depart Rosales and went to the mountains were he saw all the brutalities of the Americans. At Tirad, Gen. Gregorio del Pilar at first refused to believe him but the latter became part of the Battle of Tirad pass where he was killed.

Post-modernism in history is what F. Sionil Jose tried to expand in a fictional literary identity. Though obviously this is not History as per se, since this is a historical fiction (an account that is not really happened therefore cannot be subjected as reference). Post-modernist idea occurred when the character which is no one, that is a representation of those unknown heroes that should be heard in our history. Filipino Historians always provide us those leaders that shape or construct those events that are important in narrating our past. But what about those men, who does not lead but took part of that particular event?  Istak Samson is an example of a character in a postmodernist literary creation. He was just an acolyte who appointed to create history, if he will do it or not, it’s up to him. But off course patriotism is in every heart of a Filipino and that what Istak try to portray.  Just what Mabini says talking to Istak “ – it has always been the many faces of men, those foot soldiers, who have suffered most, who have died. It is they who make a nation.”  The book is a good insight for a new idea of how you read history, but remember history and literary fictions is different for you maybe confuse.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pagsusuring Pelikula: SAKADA

Obra ni Behn Cervantes, ang pelikulang magmumulat sa tunay na kalagayan ng mga manggagawa ng tubo sa PIlipinas. Sa panulat ni Lualhati Bautista, ang kwento ang umikot sa magkaibang mundo ng amaing may lupa at ang mga sakada.Sa pagtataya ko ang lahat ng mga gumanap ay nagampanan ng mahusay ang kinakailangang sining at hindi maikukubli ang pagtukoy sa kanser na panlipunang nagagnap nuong panahon ng Batas Militar.

Sa simulay ang pagsasakripisyo ng buhay para ipaglaban ang mga karapatan ng mga manggagawa hanggang sa katapusan ay pag-aaklas ng mga naaping sakad. Makikita ang malawak na pagkukulang at kawalang katarungan sa sistemang ng lupa na umiiral sa bansa. Manapay itoy kumpiskahin at hindi ipalabas sa sinehan nuong 1976.

Ang mga kabataan sa kasalukuyan ay dapat mapanuod angt obra upang makita ang pagkakaiba ng mga sinaung pagawa at kung paano ang reporma ay naipatutupad ngaun kundi dahil sa pagmulat ng mga ganitong obra maestra

Real Review: Lino Brocka's Makiusap sa Diyos (1991).

When I was a kid I always bullied with my classmate and I always talk to God and says " Ayoko pong makipag-away, pwede po ba kausapin niyo sila na huwag na akong takutin at saktan?". this film shows me different meaning of Gods intervention in your life.

When an innocent Sister Aaron (Ruffa Gutierrez) was raped by Dr. Vince Leveriza (Christopher de Leon), her life change from conservative to liberal woman. Not knowing that she is pregnant, she continue to served God resulting to cover her by the nuns. She escaped, bearing the scandal to her family and pretend to be ordinary woman, not the typical girl that grown from the bells of the Church. When Dr.Leveriza knows that Sister Aaron bear his child, he escorted her and married. On the night of the wedding, since Sister Aaron never had intention to have sex and the feelings of trauma from her past, she refused to intersect with Dr.Vince.That night he told everything to her .Urzula, the maid in the family was also pregnant consummated the lust with the Dr.One night, she saw at the maid's quarter her husband and Urzula reminiscence   with all the suffering she experience from Vince, she burned the quarters but when the windows was broke, her child from Vince was inside burned and died instantly.

This is one of Lino Brocka`s last motion picture before his death and presented a story to a person, with all the innocence and honor, because of the people and uncontrollable events in her life, became murderer. When a person, with all his humble and pride, like what FPJ's movie says " kapag puno na ang salop, dapat ng kalusin" can create a thing that is unimaginable. You should always expect the unexpected to a person. So when he move, you will not be disappointed.But people who is naturally humble, always obey God and never fight back is more dangerous that you never expect.Bottom line is its better than to fight with the strong in personality, than the weak. Where they get their strength? Not in physical and verbal but in God.It is more stronger than when you torture a person. When you believe in God, you can be anything. But the film due to uncontrollable events and evil that surround the character, assuming that he asked for Gods action, refuses to show the meaning of every suffering she had, reciprocate and committed murder.

If Sister Aaron continue to be with her husband in an immoral attitude of him, Vince so much evil will continue, so she put the justice into her owned hand. She didn't asked to God for a reason behind everything.Dapat ay makiusap sa Diyos upang and Diyos ang humusga. But she refuses to hear anything and forgot the law of man .Be always humble and weak for God has the will for everything. You don't need to fight back and bear it in your hand, as the law of karma, there is always strike back!

Real Review: Mike de Leon's Batch '81 (1982).

During college days I was so scared to enter in a fraternity because of the negative news about it. I admit that I'm one of those fun of PUP Pylon Run that was traditional done by the members of one of the fraternity inside the university. This film will let you in inside fraternity and the Marco's dictatorship and  cruelty and its impact to that generation.

Sid Lucero (Mark Gil) is a Zoology student (the campus location probably UP Diliman) enter into a fraternity call AKO which in order to pass as brad they need to enter into initiation rites. Face the masters on nude, swallowing saliva, all in the name of brotherhood.Physical abused is not an issue but psychological pressure and stress resulted to members owned deterioration. Test and Courage is how fraternity defined. And what the media refuses to show was what Mike de Leon pictured in his film, the death and riot is not inside the AKO, its the rival group.

There are some scene shows  in which this brutality emerge. When one of the neophyte sit in a torture chamber and on that seat he will only answer Yes or No and when it is wrong, he will be electricute, the smoke of Marcos dictatorship appear:

MASTER: Nakabuti ba sa bayan ang Matial law? Sagot?

This is the result of Marco's legacy. Violence inside the mind of the youth.

REAL REVIEW: Jose Javier Reyes’ Live Show (2001).

We have a friend and we called her ‘barurot’ from the slang “kemerot barurot”. Ten years ago, the term barurot is sex, one of the lines in this film, one of the most controversial in Philippine Cinema. The term “Toro” was the working title of this film but obviously change because of MTRCB Chairs question of direct sexual content of the film. But the truth is sex are only almost 30% of the motion picture but 100% of the full length Regal release was what the class D of the society try to survive. The struggle between good and evil has ended; the clash between the society and the people brought light to the films authenticity cinematic excellence. 

Rolly (Paulo Rivero) as a narrator, was himself a TORERO (live sex performer) try to change the brothers life in which his family engage. Her mother suffering from Cancer of the Ovary, her sister succumb her mother from her past as a prostitute, show depiction of how family run by money through prostitution. Rolly as Live sex performer introduce the lives of toreros, from hunger to survival for money, and from internal problem to their profession as sex worker. There is nothing personal, only business.

Written by Award Winning Director Jose Javier Reyes, the film shows the reality that Lino Brocka and Ishmael Bernal first illustrate in 1970’s.He used the language of the masses in which our writers try to depart for the sake of formality. President Gloria Arroyo banned the film in contrast to the motion pictures commendation in the 50th Berlin Film festival. For the conservative and ignorant, this is pornography, for educated and those who are engage in this kind of work (torrohan), this is art, and this is life.

REAL REVIEW: Carlos Siguion-Reyna’s INAGAW MO ANG LAHAT SA AKIN (1995).

At exactly 9pm last wenesday, my phone remind me of Cinema One’s feature presentation: Maricel Soriano, Eric Quizon, Tirso Cruz III, Snokey Serna and Mr. Robert Arevalo. Produced by former MTRCB Chair Armida Siguion-Reyna and directed by her son Carlos Siguion-Reyna , the film shows how social forces particularly public opinion and hypocrisy can affect our family’s moral decay.

Set entirely in Ilocos Norte, this daring film tackles about what Mike de Leon put into the big screen through his epic Kisapmata (1981), the family’s incest relationship. When Clarisa (Snookey Serna) returned with her husband Joey (Eric Quizon) (who happened to be a lawyer) from Manila after ten years, because of the property left by her father. However, Peping (Tirso Cruz III) show’s coldness and hatred to the couple due to his latter relationship with Clarisa. Meanwhile, Jacinta (Maricel Soriano) who left with her insane mother and Peping as her husband carried the secret of what happened 10 years ago about the death of her father and Clarisa’s unsuccessful courtship with Peping. When Joey try to know the truth Jacinta attempt to killed him, then all the secret was revealed that Clarissa was raped by his father and Jacinta has a sexual urges to her father. Jacinta also plan to out Clarissa to the family by taken the letters of Pepping to Clarisa so that she will never come back to the province. When her father confronted her with those letters, Jacinta accidentally killed him then her mother, who saw all what happened became insane.

The film show that the incest happened in the traditional Filipino family even we are surrounded by moral institution such as the church and the reason of this is Ignorance and lack of true moral values. Jacinta’s mother is a religious leader in the community and since she was well respected, she refused to accept the fact that her children are now having incestuous relationship to her husband. She considers more on what will the public will say instead of logical reasoning. Poverty and ignorance is not an excused, it just the culture that we have always pretend: we do not accept the fact, we accept what we want the people to be of what we are. I myself also is guilty with that before. I always want to be something because my family always assumed and presumed that I will be someone someday. But deep inside I don’t want to be anything, but in the present society that we have in which all that matters is what you have, isn’t easy to survived. Nevertheless, now that I’m well equip to face all kind of hypocrisy in this world, I can manage.

In the film, Jacinta blamed Clarisa of all her sufferings and lost saying “Inagaw mo ang lahat sa’akin, lahat.”But in the real world, it’s not Clarissa, it’s the society who let them decide to be who they are. What I can say it just-I don’t buy that culture.

REAL REVIEW: Mark Meily’s BALER (2008).

History and film cannot be separate since film is the only material to re-create what happened in the past with movement and scene, audio and color in your television. Though picture of the original event paints a thousand words, book provide accurate information, film provide you of somewhat feeling of real event as if you were live on that era. Now, the Siege of Baler recreated through the hand of contemporary artist, Mark Meily. Set in Baler in1898, where the Philippine Revolution is in its height and the Spanish soldiers bare its land stand at the remote province of Tayabas. While in Manila, Aguinaldo sign a truce of peace, Celso Resurrecion (Jericho Rosales) a Spanish soldier and Feliza Reyes (Ann Curtis) a Filipina, consume their love caught in the middle of the War. Nowhere to run, the 57 Spanish soldiers, including Celso hide and trap inside the Church of Baler. Since the order of President Aguinaldo be civilized to the enemies, the revolutionist, who’s one of the leader is Feliza’s father Daniel (Philip Salvador), and his brother (
Carlo Aquino) as a sacristan in the Church also inside, they wait for a year until the Spaniards surrender. Several attempts were made to siege the Church of Baler and asked them for hostilities, which includes blockading their food supply while having festivities outside the Church. When Lope (Mark Bautista) escaped and surrendered to the rebels, Celso  unable to escaped and killed in the accused of treachery.
 While the film elucidating history, it also provide us beautiful seascapes and landscape of Baler. Several scenes were at the beach and forest, which also give a best cinematography to interpret the past. Viva and Bida Production re create the Church of Baler and Joel Bilbao well research costumed design, the film ended were the American flag stand in the Church. Thanks’ to Roy Iglesia’s rebelled soldiered sided screenplay, he didn’t allows what American’s written in our History, but what really happened and echoed our sentiment. Winner of 9 Metro Manila Film Festival awards including Best Picture, this film by Mark Meily is a remarkable success somewhat contrary to our present film industry, were ignorance and kilig factors are box office hits. I hope that this holiday season I can go to Baler, or maybe Ngayon, Bukas at Kailanman.

REAL REVIEW: Joselito Altejero’s ANG LIHIM NI ANTONIO 2008.

I always go to Marikina and eat in Lola Helen’s Paciteria with my officemate, Pritz who is a resident of that city. When Viva Film  and Beyond the Box Production set and shoot the film entirely in Marikina, this indie-film provide in dept study of puberty, society and  homosexuality.

Antonio, played by Kenjie Garcia was a typical 15-year old boy who’s searching for his identity amid of the city in which gay social awareness and their right’s are in its height. While the father is an OFW and her mother (Shamane Buencamino) a social worker, Antonio struggle to leave in a society in which searching for identity is too difficult since the machismo perception of barkada’s  (his best friend Jiro Manio and one time sex partner Ninio Fernandez) in his age is difficult to bare. When his pervert uncle Joe (Josh Ivan Morales) arrived to stay while waiting for his paper to go abroad, Antonio continue his sexual escapade to his uncle. But Joe became aggressive, violent and when he try to sodomized Antonio, the teen ager refused; her mother caught them in the act and stabbed Joe to death.

Independent film always lack of funds for bankable artist to create a well stage production. ANG LIHIM NI ANTONIO has minimal musical score (probably none), well shot camera and well known casting. Nevertheless, Joselito Altejeros create a film with magnitude vision and remarkable story and Lex Bonife written a screenplay that has its simplicity that you can easily appreciate and understand. It is too difficult to go inside what is really happening in our present youth with baring a location, which is the cleanliest well-disciplined city. Probably the reason is reality.   

REAL REVIEW: Lino Brocka’s Ina, Kapatid, Anak (1979).

Before you may hook to Enchong Dee’s current teleserye, let me provide you a review of the original Ina, Kapatid, Anak of Lino Brocka in which release in the time of Martial Law where Philippine Movies are in its height.

When Pura (Lolita Rodriguez), an illegitimate sister of Emilia (Charito Solis) and Thelma (Laurice Guillen) returns home from the US to visit his dying father (Manny Ojeda) became the eye of the people, almost admire and given high expectation. But when she try to resolved the family’s problem of bankruptcy by selling the house in which almost four family’s depend to stay set the tension. While baring her past,( the suffering from Emilia’s cold-hearted treatment of her status of being illegitimate and jealousy of her being a boyfriend of Ric Rodrigo)  Pura try to manipulate the family since she has money and power but Emilia refused since she insist that she is the legitimate despite of she’s nothing. Amid the tension, Erlinda (Rio Locsin) daughter of Emilia fell in love with a carnival operator (Raul Aragon), blinded by unreal life. Later, the patriarch died and Emilia cannot accept her misery confronted Pura in the night of the wake releasing all their hatred that came deeply from their past.

Undeniable the best screenplay for Mel Chonglo, the story of rival in the family is a true deliberation for drama. But, Lino Brocka’s warming touch for shot with the moving camera put this film to become an instant classic. There are lots’ of symbolism such us the level of the house in which those poor relative is in the lower part while Emilia, the owner is leaving on the 2nd floor. The stare case became a perfect shot-intro to every conflict and possible story that may happen for this is the way or connection. It was start and end through a car, a symbol for another journey in any walks of life. The story is simple-although revenge is sweet, but at the end, you cannot put down your family.

Real Review: Peque Gallaga’s ORO,PLATA,MATA (1982).

My first attempt to watch Cinema one’s Originals was on thursday afternoon with my former classmate at the law school, Cheng Somcio but since the next screening is at 7:00pm we refused. Yesterday, since sunday is my rest day I decided to watched. Im lucky that direk  Bong Ramos ( Haw-Ang, Butas) was there to accompanied me. The film was a restored version of Oro, Plata, Mata in HD and since it was a classic, I cannot convey my feelings of going back to the past.

Back from the dark era of 1940’s come the two families, the Ojeda’s (lead by their patriarch abuelito Manny Ojeda) and the Lorenzo’s caught in the middle of the war. The film was divided into three periods from their golden years to their near fall and death. Since the Lorenzo’s has a Hacienda in Negros, the two families stay and retreat their due to the threat of Japanese occupation, while leisure and gambling habit (majong) entertain themselves. There comes the time that they need to leave the hacienda and camp at the mountain where they were massacre by few bandits (not guerilla). Few of the members of the two families survive; but their lives and psychological attitude change forever.
First, I would like to praise the screenplay. Jose Javier Reyes written an artistic, complicated but easy to understand monologues since Spanish term’s that we used in our daily lives and kolokial words can be seen. Then, director Peque Gallaga shows a standard of cinematic excellence in Philippine Cinema-the one shot debut scene and the majong habit scene. Those are all perfect shots giving an interpretation that the director is well-educated and well discipline artist. ABS-CBN presented a perfect restored version as such, Holywood is not the only place that can produce a very good film, and we already did 30 years ago.

Pelikula: ni Eduardson Macorol

Mahilig ako sa pelikula. Isa ito sa pinaka mahusay na sining na gawa ng tao. Sa pelikula lumalabas ka sa apat na sulok ng iyong kwarto, pumapasok ka sa kaliit-liitang mundo at sa mundong hindi mo pa nararating o 'di kaya'y hindi kailamanman mangyayari. Ang pelikula ang nagbabalik sa'yo sa nakalipas na kasaysayan at kultura ng iyong lahi. Dito karin namulat ng kamunduhan, ng ka dramahan at ka baduyan na dahil sa natutuwa ang iyong maga mata at kinikiliti ang iyong isip ay halos sambahin mo ang pelikula.

Sa mga sususnod na sulatin ay ang aking mga review ng pelikulang Pilipino na nagmulat sa aking kamalayan at pumukaw sa aking pagnanasa sa sining na kahit kailan ay hindi mamatay. Binigyan ko ng mga bagong mukha sina Lino Brocka, Ishamael Bernal, Marilou Diaz-Abaya, Carlos Siguion-Reyna, Peque Gallaga at marami pa. Inalis ko at lumang pagtingin na sila ay direktor lamang, kundi sila'y mga artistang nais gumawa ng  pagbabago sa lipunan sa pamamgitan ng sining.

Sanay magustuhan niyo ang mga review na ito, kung hindi ay panuurin niyo na lamang mismo ang pelikula para kayo na mismo ang magsisilbing kritiko o 'di kaya naman baka mamulat kayo!

Monday, March 25, 2013

College of Cardinals

The 2013 Conclave never learn from the 2005 Conclave. Electing a younger Pope (like Cardinal Tagle) is the best way to have a serious reform in the Catholic Church deeply rooted in the scandals from its owned walls.1978 was the best in the contemporary History by electing Pope John Paul II after John Paul I died a month after his election. May God bless the newly elected Pope Francis for he may lead our church in great reforms.


Note: This article is based from various published historical books and existing laws of the country. I used footnote instead of MLA for more explained facts for it. If I have discrepancies, let me know since my legal knowledge is limited.

Today’s headlines in ANC’s HEADSTART[1] about the armed group of the Sultanate of Sulu, stayed and claimed the area of Sabah and willing to die fighting against the government of Malaysia. It was more than 300 years ago since that territory ceded to the Sultan of Sulu from Royal Family of Brunei and it was only today that this standoff happened; their claimed and willingness to sacrifice their life for the said territory. Since Sultanate of Sulu is part of our Royal tradition as a Filipino, we can say that we are part of their claimed since the state has the obligation to its people. For this, let me first discuss our legal rights for this.

The 1987 Constitution defined our territory as:

“ The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.” [2]

Now, if the constitution says that “our national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago”, we must define our Philippine Archipelago.  First, all the island and waters embraced there in are clearly define by The Treaty of Paris of 1898 signed between Spain and the United States on December 10,1898, the Treaty of  Spain and U.S. at Washington on November 1, 1900 and the Treaty of United Staes and Great Britain on January 2, 1930.[3] The said treaty of Spain provided that Sulu, Cagayan and Sibutu and included territory of the Philippines.

If Sulu is considered part of the Philippines, therefore their claimed of Sabah must be considered part of Philippine affair.

How come that Sabah claimed as part of Sulu well in fact on the said three documents, Sabah didn’t mention?

In 1674, Sultan Mahaiddin of Brunei ceded Sabah to the Sultan of Sulu, after they provided military aid for the war in controlling Borneo. Since then, it was recognized and respected. Baron Von Overbeck and Alfred Dent, leased Sabah from Jamalul Kiram for an annual rental of 5,000 Malayan dollars and that deed prohibited their successors transferring leased of Sabah to another nation or company. They continued the annual rental until 1946 when the British Government took over the rental until 1961. When the Federation of Malaysia was created, the lease was transferred to the new independent Malaysian Government. In 1971, Princess Putli Tarhata Kiram stopped collecting rentals since they already ceded to the Philippines their rights over Sabah.[4]

If this will be the bases, does our laws sustaining it? Are the treaties, the leased and the continued payment of the Malayan Government can be considered as documents supporting the claimed of Sabah?  Are the claimed of Sabah important not only to our culture and History but for economic benefits? Did our government do something about these territorial affairs for the past 100 years? Answers are on the second part of this article.

[1] HEADSTART: Malaysian officials: Death toll in Sabah clashes at 21.The ABS-CBN News Channel. March 4, 2013.

[2] Article I, The National Territory, the 1987 Constitution.

[3] Callanta, Rene. LLB, Notes on Political Law. PUP College of Law. 2011 p. 7

[4] Santos, Emmanuel. The Constitution of the Philippines: Notes and Comments.2001p.57


When it comes to journalism, the journalist in our country was in two way has big threat in their lives. Aside from killing the media, people’s view when it comes to TV programmed always disregard the news programmed. Tele-serye and variety shows always hit the ratings were product sponsors always support. People don’t care about recent development in the society we’ll in fact they are the one who will benefit from it.
The recent low pressure area if you will monitored its movement through news update or cable 24 hours, you will notice that the LPA is very slow in the Pacific Ocean were she can get water from it does weighting heavy rains on the following days. It will give you a conclusion for raining day therefore when you leave your house you will definitely bring an umbrella.

Aside from this very important information, you can be aware of everything around you. When you ride a jeep, you can listen to those passengers who talking about some political issues, you will notice that most of their information were wrong for they only relate from what they called chismis. Some, amazingly react exaggerated, we’ll in fact, they don’t even watch a news or read a broadsheet.
This attitude were adopted from the Spanish Colonial System in which we are not allowed to verify information. Were just accepting the fact easily and verify it to our friends since we are not allowed to question the Spanish authority or the friars. The big proof of this can reflect in Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere Chapter XXXV were after Ibarra attempted to kill Father Damaso, the people of the San Diego assumed all the possible scenario of the last scene. This is already a culture, but we can do change.

In this time were update and recent event is very important in our daily lives, news the only truthful source of information. Remember that in the new civil code, ignorance of the law excuses no one. If you are a teacher, you can no longer shout to your student like they are to moron for not answering your question because verbal abused is now penalized by special law. Although smoking is allowed, we have to follow the Tobacco Regulation Act. Are you aware that anytime, China bullied our government for the sake of territory?

We should not continue this backwardness since we’re no longer colony of Spain. We are now in the world intelligence, more complicated and in advance. News should be on primetime since we need it, as part of this changing world. The Tele-Serye and Korea novella cannot answer if tomorrow will rain or shine, or if crime is rampant in the area were you want to work. If your father is an OFW, you should know the exchange rate per dollar?

News is very important, it should be on prime time.

Imperialism: A History Defined

When a man by its owned nature act for his owned survival,idealism and nationalism can be a mask, he will act for his owned benefits that can be affect other people. In 1900, Queen Victoria rules almost half of the world’s population and territories were the key to it is imperialism.

After the dawn of Industrial revolution, where Spain is almost deteriorating and Napoleonic War was ended, Great Britain, followed by France and other European countries explored Africa and open its people to the world as their dominion. Nevertheless, the Imperial power justify by elite so called “civilizing mission” for its only part of hypocrisy. The truth is that the exceeding market of the Industrial European nation has no choice but to grabbed Africa as supplier for raw materials badly needed for trade.

Professor Burton defines imperialism into three: colony, sphere of influence and protectorate. With the latter, all of it has pessimistic and optimistic effect in History. Good, because the rich and beautiful countries of Africa open to the world’s eye and un explored wealth giving us raw materials needed in this expanding European economy. Ideas such us nationalism and Christianity spread that gives contribution to increase literacy rate in world population. Technology advance through great demands of changing political sphere. Cultivation of new race was important, giving birth to equality and lesser discrimination to black and white people. But we cannot close our eyes to the negative effect of Imperialism. African culture slowly transformed into European liberal attitude that bought confusion of the Safari and humid dessert. War such as Boer (1899), World War (1914), Opium (1880) Sino-Japanese (1900) and Spanish American War lead to famine and emergence of European military strength and will to govern each African race. The ideas of Social Darwinism were in each mind.

What good in emergence of this problem during the age of Imperialism the demand for reforms- and answer to the social problem. Labor Union was established to protect the workers’ rights, medicine and advance medical studies improved to sustained population as the growing factories demand. Ideas such as lazier-fare bought Africans not to openly give everything to Europe. Democracy demand self rule such as Canada and Australia. Germany and Italy built and empire to built cartel of raw materials. Panama and Suez Canal open for trade. What we can say is that history must see first before we can view imperialism for the definition is may define in the events and years.

Partido Liberal: Ugat at Kasaysayan ni Eduardson Macorol, Punong Tagapagsaliksik

Nota Bene:( Si Eduardson Macorol ay nagtapos sa PUP sa kursong AB History .Ang saliksik na ito ay ipinahayag sa isang seminar ng ABH 4-1 na dinaluhan ng apat na Partido sa bansa kabilang na ang Partido Liberal na ginanap sa PUP Manila.)

Matapos ang Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig, isang partido lamang ang aktibo sa pamahalaan at pulitika sa Pilipinas, ang Partido Nacionalista.[1] Nakatakda nuon ang halalan ng 1946 at si Sergio Osmeña, kasalukuyan pang pangulo ng Komonwelt ang napipisil na kandidato ng Partido Nacionalista. Dahil sa isyu ng kolaborasyon at kung sino ang dapat na maging standard bearer ng Partido Nacionalista, nagdesisyon si Manuel Roxas at kanyang mga kaalyado (si Roxas ang Pangulo ng Senado nuon) na humiwalay na sa Partido. Ang desisyong ito ay naganap sa Selecta Restaurant, Azcarrage, Maynila noong Nobyembre 4, 1945.[2]

Noong Enero 19, 1946, matapos ang desisyon  ni Roxas ay nagkaroon ng Inaugural Convention sa Sta. Ana Cabaret Hall ang mga NP-Libaral Wing. Sa inagurasyong ito naihalal si Manuel A. Roxas bilang pangulo at si Elpidio Quirino bilang pangalawang pangulo. Si Jose D. Avelino naman at Antonio Zacarias ang mga nahalal na founding Party Chairman at Party Secretary.[3]

Naging mainit ang halalan ng 1946. nilinis ang pangalan ni Manuel A. Roxas sa isyu ng kolaborasyon mismo ni Hen. Douglas McArthur.[4] Naging magaling na orador si Roxas habang nangangampanya. Samantala, si Osmeña naman ay kampante nang maipapanalo ang pagkapangulo dahil sa kanyang dedikasyon sa bansa sa mga lumipas na taon.[5] Ano pa’t ang halalang ito noong Abril 23, 1946 ay pinagwagian ng Partido Liberal maging ng Kongreso. May 12 Senador, 49 na kinatawan kabilng si Ramon Magsaysay.[6]

Noong Nobyembre 11, 1947 ang eleksyon naman sa local at Senatorial ang lalong nagpakilala sa Partido Liberal. Matatndaang bago nito ay ay ang pangalan ng partido ay NP-Liberal Wing. Sa pamamagitan ng pag-alis nito sa pangalan ng NP ay ganap na ngang hiwalay na partido sa NP ang Liberal ni Roxas.[7] Isa sa mga ipinanalo sa ilalim  ng Liberal ay si Vicente Madrigal.[8] Kaakibat ng paninindigan ni Roxas ay ang paninindigan ng Partido. Ang mga isyu tulad ng Military Bases Agreement, Bell Trade Act at lalo na ang Parity Rights Act na kamuntik niya pang ikamatay habang kinakampanya ito.[9] Isang barbero, si Julio Guillen ang naghagis ng bomba sa entablado kung saan nagtatalumpati si Roxas. Nakaligtas si Roxas ngunit dalawa ang patay sa tanking asisinasyon.[10]

Sa hindi inaasahang pagkamatay ni Roxas noong Abril 17,1948 ay umalili si Elpidio Quirino na kapwa niya Liberal. Ngunit sa halalang 1949 na para sa pangulo ay kinakitaan ng pagtanggi ng partido na muling manungkulan si Elpidio Quirino bilang pangulo, sa pamumuno ni Senate President  Jose D. Avelino. Si Avelino ang pangulo ng LP mula Enero 1946.[11] hindi naging maganda ang pamumuno ni Quirino nang mamatay si Roxas at tila labag ito sa adhikain ng partido at maaring sumira sa integredad ng mga kasapi. Kamunik pa ngang ma-impeach si Quirino dahil sa isyu sa dekorasyon sa Malakanyang na nagkakahalaga ng 5,000 pesos.[12] Ngunit hindi lahat ng miyembro ng LP ay pabor kay Avelino. Dahil dito nahati ang LP sa Avelino-Liberal at Quirino-Liberal. Pinalitan bilang pangulo ng senado si Avelino at ipinagpatuloy ang pagtakbo bilang pangulo sa 1949 Eleksyon sa ilalim ng Liberal.[13] Si Quirino ang pormal na kandidato ng Liberal Party ang nanalo sa pagkapangulo. Ang halalang ito ang itinuring na pinakamadaya at madugong halalan sa bansa.[14]

Ang pagkatalo ng pangulo ng Liberal Party na si Avelino ay nagsilbing daan na lamang upang muling magkaisa ang LP.[15] Malaki ang repormang naipatupad ng mga ka-partido sa bansa. Si Rep. Ramon Magsaysay ay napasuko ang mga lider ng Huk kabilang si Luis Taruc noong 1950.[16] Isinulong ang Magna Carta of Labor, Minimum Wage Law at Basic Labor Legislation noong 1952.Si Eugenio Perez ang isang kinatawan ng Pangasinan ang pangulo noon  ng partido.[17] Tinangka ni Quirino na muling mahalal na pangulo ng bansa habang si Chief Justice Jose Yulo naman ang kanyang bise. Ngunit, si Ramon Magsaysay na dating LP ang tumakbo sa tiket ng NP.[18] Alam niyang hindi siya makakakuha ng suporta sa Quirino Liberal Party at wala na si Avelino sa posisyon bilang pangulo ng LP na siyang maaring magnomina sa kanya. Si Jose P. Laurel ang kanyang nilapitan at matapos ang isang gabing pag-uusap, nakuha niya ang nominasyon ng NP.[19] Kasalukuyan naman nuong nahalal sa ilalim ng LP si Ferdinand Marcos.

Bilang oposisyon, tinutulan ng LP ang Laurel-Langley Agreement na nagpapaliwanag sa karapatang pang-ekonomiya ng mga Amerikano sa bansa at lumilimita sa mga Pilipino.[20] Sa kabila ng pagpupursiging ito, si Claro M. Recto lamang ang nagwaging LP sa Senado sa halalan ng 1955.[21]

Sa pagkamatay ni Magsaysay, si Garcia ang naging pambato ng NP noong 1957 Presdential Election. Tinapatan ito ng LP ng kandidaturang Jose Yulo bilang pangulo at si Diosdado Macapagal bilang pangalawang pangulo. Sa kasaysayan, si Macapagal lamang ang nahalal na pangalawang pangulo ng bansa na hindi ka partido ang pangulo noong panahong iyon. Dahil hindi siya ka-partido ni Pangulong Garcia ay hindi siya nito binigyan ng posisyong gabinete at ang pagiging pangulo ng LP ang kanyang inasikaso.[22] Dalawang LP ang nahalal nuon sa Senado, si Ambrosio Padilla at ang artistang si Rogelio dela Rosa. Ang LP naman ng sumunod na halalan ng 1959 ang nag-top sa Senatorial Election sa pamamagitan ni Ferdinand Marcos. Kasunod ng pagkapanalo ni Macapagal at Emmanuel Pelaez bilang pangulo at panaglawang pangulo ng 1961 ay muli ring pinuno ng LP ang Senado matapos manalo ang anim na kandidato nito. Kabilang sa mga ito ay si Rep. Francisco ‘Soc’ Rodrigo na dating NP.[23]

Naging buo ang suporta ng Partido Liberal sa mga programa ng Pangulong Macapagal. Itinuturing pa ngang “the most brilliant in the political history of this country” ang gabinete ni Macapagal.[24] Land Reform Code, pagapapalit ng araw ng kasarinlan mula Hulyo 4 patungong Hunyo 12, ang pagkuha sa Espanya ng Spolarium, Maphilindo, at ang Philippni Claim to Saba hang mga naging programa nito.[25]

Muling itinaas ni Gerardo Roxas ang LP ng mag-top ito sa 1963 Senatorial Election at tatlong iba pa.[26] nahalal namang pangulo ng senado si Ferdinand Marcos sa ilalim ng LP.[27] Si Marcos nuon ang maugong na posibleng kandidato ng Liberal Party sa nakatakdang 1965 Election. Ngunit ninais ni Macapagal ng ikalawa pang termino. Kinailangang lumipat ngayon ni Marcos upang makuha ang nominasyong pagkapangulo sa NP. Hindi siya nagkamali ng desisyon. Hindi nagpaubaya si Macapagal ngunit nakuha naman niya ang nominasyon ng NP.[28]

Bagamat si Jovito Salongga ng LP ang nag-top sa Senado, natalo naman sina Macapagal at Roxas. Ngunit nakuha naman nito ng mayorya ng Mababang Kapulungan, kabilang dito si Rep.Ramon V. Mitra.[29] Nauna nang magbitiw si Ferdinand Marcos bilang pangulo ng partido noong Abril 21,1964. pinalitan siya ni House Speaker Cornelio T. Villareal.[30]
Ang mga sumunod na taon ng LP sa pulitika ay panahon ng takot, karahasan at pagpupunyaging maibangon ang dangal at paninindigan ng partido sa kabila ng matinding panganib sa diktadura ni Ferdinand Marcos. Una nito ang halalang lokal at Senatorial ng 1967. Ayon kay Sen. Jovito Salongga, Senador nuon ng LP:
“ In 1967, the Liberal Party fielded a strong Senatorial Slate. But so scandalous was the resort to wholesale freud and terrorism in many cities and provinces that only one opposition (LP) candidate, Ninoy Aquino made it to the winning Circle” [31]

Si Senator Aquino ang matatandaang ng kasong diskwalipikasyon ng NP dahil sa edad nitong.[32]

Ang 1968 ay taon ng mga pagbabago at pagnanais ng pagbabago. Si Gerry Roxas ay ang siyang nahalal na pangulo ng LP. Sa Senado, si Senator J. Salonga sa pamamagitan ng isang privilege speech ay inilahad ang malaking katiwalian sa administrasyon ni Marcos. Si Sen. Aquino naman ang nagbunyag ng Jabidah Massacre.[33]
Dahil dito naging mainit sa mata ng administrasyon ang LP.

Hindi nakapagtatakang tangkain ni Marcos ang hindi natupad ng ambisyon ng mga nagdaang Pangulo. Ang nahalal sa ikalawang termino. Noong June 15,1969, si Sergio Osmena at Genaro Magsaysay ang napili ng LP na pantapat sa Marcos- Lopez tiket ng NP. Si Fernando Lopezay matatandaang naging Pangalawang Pangulo ni Elpidio Quirino sa ilalim ng LP. [34] Si Marcos at Lopez ang nanalo sa halalan ng 1969 na ayon sa LP ay ginamitan ng 3G ( Guns, Goons, Gold )[35]

Kasabay ng paglaganap ng Human Rights Violation ng administrasyong Marcos ay patuloy itong kinundena ng LP. Ang 1971 ay nagbukas sa malawakang demonstrasyon, rally at mga pagbatikos, ang halimbawa nito ay ang First Quarter Storm na naganap noong Enero 1970.[36]

Malakas na pambato nuon ng LP si Sen. Aquino bilang Pangulo sa darating na 1973 Election, pamalit sa bumabaho na nuong pangalan ng naka dalawa ng terminong Marcos. Sa isang proclamation rally ng LP para sa 1971 Senatorial election, dalawang granada ang inihagis sa entablado. [37] Ang Plaza Miranda ay binalot ng pagsabog. Dalawang kandidato ng LP ang lubhang nasugatan, si Sergio Osmena Jr. at Sen. Jovito Salonga at marami pang iba ang namatay at nasugatan. Si Sen. Aquino ay wala sa okasyong iyon matapos mahuli ng dating.

Kaagad na sinuspinde ni Ferdinand Marcos ang Writ of Habeas Corpuz. Sa ospital, itinuro ni Sen. Roxas si Pangulong Marcos bilang may pakana ng pambobomba sa Proclamation Rally ng LP. [38] Ngunit itinuro ni Marcos ang CPP-NPA na nasa likod umano nito. Anu- ano pa man, ang LP ang nagwagi ng 1971 Senatorial Election. Talo ang lahat ng kandidato ng NP, ang partido ni Marcos.

Hindi na natuloy pa ang 1973 Election matapos ang 2 pagsabog sa Maynila at tangkang pagpatay kay Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile. Idineklara ni Marcos ang Martial Law. Nang gabi ng Setyembre 21, 1972, bagamat hindi pa hayag ang Martial Law ay sunod-sunod ang ginawang pag-aresto sa mga miyembro ng LP. [39] at isinailalim sa kustodiya ng mga militar.
Mula nuon ay tila nabusalan ang LP. Nang ratipikahan ang 1973 Konstitusyon, ibinasura ng Korte Suprema ang petisyon ng LP sa pamumuno ni Ramon Mitra, Eva Kalaw at Jovito Salonga ukol dito. Boycot naman ang naging desisyon ng partido sa 1978 Interim Batasang Pambansa. Maging ang NP ay nawala sa eksena.

Ang kakatuwang 1981 Eleksyon ay hindi rin sinuportahan ng LP kasunod ng pagpanaw ni Gerry Roxas. Noong April 18, 1982 si Jovito Salonga ang humalili sa kanya bilang Pangulo ng LP. Si Sen. Aquino naman ang naging Secretary- General ngunit pinatay siya sa Tarmac noong August 21, 1983. Muling bumalik si Sen. Salonga mula sa EU noong January 1985 upang itaguyod ang partido. Nang magkaroon ng Snap Election si Marcos noong 1986, nagpaubaya si Salonga at inindorso ang balo ni Aquino, si Corazon Cojuanco bilang Pangulo, ngunit hindi sa ilalim ng LP. [40]

Naganap ang Rebolusyon sa EDSA. Muling ibinalik ang kongreso at nakuha muli ni Sen. Salonga ang pinakamaraming boto sa pagka-senador noong 1987. 48 LP candidates ang nagwagi sa Mababang Kapulungan. [41] Napili naman bilang Pangulo ng Senado si Sen. Salonga.

Sa Senado, pinamumunuan ng LP ang hindi pagratipika sa US military Bases Agreement. Si Senate President Salonga ang huling dumagdag sa botong 10 na anti-treaty.[42]
Naging tila sawi ang LP sa mababang Kapulungan. Labing walong LP representative ang nagtalunan sa LDP dahil sa pressure na aalisan ng Committee Chairmanship. Labing dalawa dito ang naging tapat sa Partdio Liberal.[43] Si Rep. Florencio Abad naman ay hindi na nakakumpirma bilang Kalihim ng Agrarian Reforms dahil siya ay maka magsasaka umano. [44] 

Sa halalan ng 1992, si Sen. Salonga at Sen. Aquilino Pimentel ang naging standard bearer ng LP. Nang matalo sa halalan, nagretiro na sa pulitika si Salonga. Hinalinhilan siya ni Sen. Wigberto Tanada bilang Pangulo ng partido noong 1993.
Si Joseph Estrada na dating LP ay nagwagi sa 1998 Presidential Election ang tumalo sa tiket nina Alfredo Lim at Sergio Osmena III. Nang masangkot si Erap sa kaso ng katiwalian, si LP Rep. Michael Defensor ang naguna sa pagsampa ng impeachment complaint. Dalawa naman sa mga tumayong state prosecutor ay LP sa katauhan ni W. Tanada at Eduardo Nachura.[45]

Sa halalan 2001, si Sen. Francis Pangilinan ang nagdala ng LP sa Senado. 21 Rep. naman at 5 Gov. ang nagwagi sa ilalim ng LP. Nagtop naman si Sen. Roxas sa 2004 Senatorial Election kasama si LP Sen. Rodolfo Biazon.[46]
Nananatiling aktibo sa kasalukuyan ang LP sa pulitika. Matatandaan na noong 2005 halos nahati ang LP dahil sa pananatili ng ilang LP sa suporta sa administrasyong Arroyo at paghingi naman ng pagbibitiw nito. Ngayon, muling sasabak ang LP sa halalang pang panguluhan. Si Sen. Aquino ang naging pambato ng partido matapos na umatras ni Sen. Manuel Roxas, na siya namang tumakbo bilang pangalawang pangulo ni Aquino.

Mga Sanggunian

Abad, Florencio at Jonathan Malaya The Liberal Chronicles: 60 years of the Liberal
Chronicles: 60 yesars of the Liberal Party 1946 – 2006 Manila
Agoncillo, Teodoro A. History of the Filipino People. Quezon City. 2006
Anderson, Benedict The Spectre of Comparison: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the
World. Quezon city. 2004.
Bengzon, Alfredo and Rdrigo, Raul. A Matter of Honor: The Story of the 1990-91 US
Bases Talk. Pasig City. 1997 – p. 267-270
Gleeck, Lewis. The Third Republic 1964 – 1972. Quezon City. 1983 p. 51-52
Salongga, Jovito R. The Liberal Party. Its Past and New Politics in the Book Liberal
Manila Times (Dec. 30, 1986)
Philippine Senate
Tan, Samuel K. A History of the Philippines. NHI Manila 1997

[1] Salongga, Jovito R. The Liberal Party. Its Past and New Politics sa librong Liberal Chronicles ni Jonatan Malaya at Florencio Abad. 2006. p3

[2] Abad, Florencio at Jonathan Malaya The Liberal Chronicles: 60 years of the Liberal Chronicles: 60 yesars of the Liberal Party 1946 – 2006 Manila p.73

[3] Ibid, p. 74

[4] Agoncillo, Teodoro A. History of the Filipino People. Quezon City. 2006 p. 434

[5] Agoncillo, Teodoro A. History of the Filipino People. Quezon City. 2006 p. 435

[6] Abad, same cite, p. 211-212

[7] Ibid, p.74

[8] Ibid, p 213

[9] May malinaw na paliwanag ukol dito si Samuel K. Tan sa kanayang librong A History of the Philippines . NHI Manila, 1997.

[10] Gleeck, Lewis. The Third Republic 1964 – 1972. Quezon City. 1983 p. 51-52

[11] Abad, p. 66

[12] Gleeck, p. 94

[13] Sa isang hiwalay na kumbensyon noong May 12, 1949, si Avelino ay iprinoklamang pambato ng partido bilang pangulo habang si Vicente Francisco ang bise nito.

[14] Anderson, Benedict The Spectre of Comparison: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World. Quezon city. 2004. p. 206

[15] Abad., p. 75

[16] Agoncillo, same cite, p. 457

[17] Abad, p. 66

[18] Gleeck, same cite, p. 14

[19] Ibid, p. 132

[20] Ibid, p.132, Agoncillo, p. 512

[21] Abad, p. 217

[22] Gleeck, p. 222

[23] Abad, 218. Matatandaan na si Rodrigo ay isa sa mga tumulak ng Rizal Law.

[24] Manila Times (Dec. 30, 1986)

[25] Gleeck, p. 274 – 299

[26] Abad, p. 79

[27] Philippine Senate

[28] Gleeck, p. 311

[29] Abad, p. 220

[30] Ibid, p. 67

[31] Ibid, p. 9

[32] Abad, p. 80

[33] Gleeck, p. 347 – 350

[34] Abad, p. 80

[35] Ibid, p. 80

[36] Gleeck, p 366

[37] Gleeck p.385

[38] Abad  p.10

[39] Ibid, p.80

[40] Ibid, p.181

[41] Ibid, p.82

[42] Bengzon, Alfredo and Rdrigo, Raul. A Matter of Honor: The Story of the 1990-91 US Bases Talk. Pasig City. 1997 – p. 267-270

[43]Abad, p.86

[44]Ibid, p.87

[45] Ibid, p. 89

[46] Ibid, p. 91

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