Sunday, March 31, 2013

Real Review: Lino Brocka's Makiusap sa Diyos (1991).

When I was a kid I always bullied with my classmate and I always talk to God and says " Ayoko pong makipag-away, pwede po ba kausapin niyo sila na huwag na akong takutin at saktan?". this film shows me different meaning of Gods intervention in your life.

When an innocent Sister Aaron (Ruffa Gutierrez) was raped by Dr. Vince Leveriza (Christopher de Leon), her life change from conservative to liberal woman. Not knowing that she is pregnant, she continue to served God resulting to cover her by the nuns. She escaped, bearing the scandal to her family and pretend to be ordinary woman, not the typical girl that grown from the bells of the Church. When Dr.Leveriza knows that Sister Aaron bear his child, he escorted her and married. On the night of the wedding, since Sister Aaron never had intention to have sex and the feelings of trauma from her past, she refused to intersect with Dr.Vince.That night he told everything to her .Urzula, the maid in the family was also pregnant consummated the lust with the Dr.One night, she saw at the maid's quarter her husband and Urzula reminiscence   with all the suffering she experience from Vince, she burned the quarters but when the windows was broke, her child from Vince was inside burned and died instantly.

This is one of Lino Brocka`s last motion picture before his death and presented a story to a person, with all the innocence and honor, because of the people and uncontrollable events in her life, became murderer. When a person, with all his humble and pride, like what FPJ's movie says " kapag puno na ang salop, dapat ng kalusin" can create a thing that is unimaginable. You should always expect the unexpected to a person. So when he move, you will not be disappointed.But people who is naturally humble, always obey God and never fight back is more dangerous that you never expect.Bottom line is its better than to fight with the strong in personality, than the weak. Where they get their strength? Not in physical and verbal but in God.It is more stronger than when you torture a person. When you believe in God, you can be anything. But the film due to uncontrollable events and evil that surround the character, assuming that he asked for Gods action, refuses to show the meaning of every suffering she had, reciprocate and committed murder.

If Sister Aaron continue to be with her husband in an immoral attitude of him, Vince so much evil will continue, so she put the justice into her owned hand. She didn't asked to God for a reason behind everything.Dapat ay makiusap sa Diyos upang and Diyos ang humusga. But she refuses to hear anything and forgot the law of man .Be always humble and weak for God has the will for everything. You don't need to fight back and bear it in your hand, as the law of karma, there is always strike back!

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